Types of navigation


Car navigation is a technology for calculating the optimal route for a vehicle on the roads and then guiding it along the route with visual and voice prompts for maneuvers. Uses GPS/inertial navigation, automobile navigation map and operative information about traffic jams.

Astronomical navigation – a method of determining the coordinates of ships and aircraft, based on the use of radio emission or light emission of the celestial luminaries

Bionavigation – ability of animals to choose the direction of movement during regular seasonal migrations

Air navigation – applied science of precise, reliable and safe piloting of aircraft in the air; at the earliest stages of development was called “Aeronavigation” (the discipline that teaches how one can determine the direction of the airplane or zeppelin without using a map)

Inertial navigation – a method of determining parameters of motion and coordinates of an object without the need for external reference points or signals

Informational navigation – the process of driving the user by logically related data

Space navigation – a method of controlling the motion of a spacecraft; includes a subspecies of -Astro-inertial navigation – a method of navigation of a spacecraft that combines the means of inertial navigation and astronomical navigation.

Marine navigation – basic branch of ship navigation

Radio navigation – theoretical issues and practical methods of driving vessels and aircraft by means of radio equipment and devices

Satellite navigation – practical use of satellite navigation facilities (GPS, GLONASS) for determination of location and direction

Underground navigation – practical use of different measuring instruments for determination of location and direction of movement of underground tunneling complexes.

Types of navigation systems
Aviation navigation system is a navigation system designed for use in aeronautics.

Automobile navigation system is a navigation system intended for use in automobiles.

Maritime navigation system is a navigation system intended for use in navigation.